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I am a woman of many interests, maybe too many! I love to learn about new things and enjoy sharing great finds and interesting information. My goal in life is to make a difference in other peoples' lives. This is my outlet to explore those oh-so-many avenues of interest!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Grandma El's Diaper Rash Remedy and Prevention

If you baby ever has diaper rash, eczema, chapped skin, or cradle cap, then you need to keep Grandma El’s Diaper Rash Remedy and Prevention on hand. This stuff is amazing! It was developed in the early 1970’s by a skin care specialist and cosmetic chemist to treat his own son’s diaper rash. He soon began sharing it with his neighbors and it’s popularity spread. When his son grew up he, the son, established Grandma El’s and began mass producing this incredible product.

What first attracted me to this diaper rash ointment was it’s incredible smell. It’s light and fruity, not at all medicinal smelling like every other diaper rash ointment I’ve seen. It actually reminds me of this Baby Strawberry Shortcake doll I had when I was little. When you squeezed her belly she blew the strawberry scented kisses - yum!

I met and spoke with the owner of the company and he told me the product was made of all-natural ingredients and contained no parabens, phthalates, dyes or other harmful ingredients and only uses plant-derived preservatives. This Made in the USA ointment contains Vitamin E, derived from wheat germ oil; balsam plant extract from Peru, a known healing agent; salicylic acid, derived from willow bark and wintergreen, which, when mixed with Vitamin E can promote new skin growth; yellow petrolatum, derived from naturally occurring mineral oil; and insecticide-free anhydrous lanolin, a naturally occurring, allergy-free protecting and healing agent. Grandma El’s has been pediatrician tested and approved.

Additionally, this ointment isn’t just for treating diaper rash. I’ve used it on my son’s eczema around his nose and mouth and on my own dry knees (when my oldest son started crawling I crawled around with him so much I developed dry, scaly patches on my knees, but a little dab of Grandma El’s cleared it up in no time). It’s great for chapped skin and lips too. The Grandma El’s website also states it an be used to treat cradle cap, sunburns, cold sores, stretch marks, cuts and scrapes, and razor burn.

The Grandma El’s line also includes baby shampoo and baby wash, both tear-free, gentle and as equally effective as the diaper ointment. When you use the shampoo so little is required to get a good lather that the bottle lasts forever. These products also contain a nice, light scent.

I will never consider using any other diaper ointment other than Grandma El’s. I know it’s safe, effective, and can be used to treat multiple problems. I hope you will also give it a try!


Grandma El's Diaper Ointment 3-pc. Gift Set

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